Friday, October 28, 2011

Why Should I Marry You?

This is really such a good article that I've taken from here (:
The best words I've ever found for the thing that I've been looking for so long.

(Take note that I just took the significant part of the story. So, if you eager to know more, you can read by your own on its site ^_^ )

 The young man said, firstly I asked her, who do you love the most? she said, her mother. The parents said so, what is wrong with that?? The young man said, ‘no one, is Muslim, until he loves Allah, and his messenger (saw) more than anyone else in the world’. If a woman loves Allah and the Prophet (pbuh) more than anyone, she will love me and respect me, and stay faithful to me, because of that love, and fear for Allah (swt). And we can share this love, because this love is greater than lust for beauty. The young man said, then I asked her, you read a lot of qur’an, can you tell me the meaning of any surah? And she said no, because I haven’t had time yet. so I thought of that hadith ‘ALL humans, are dead except for those who have knowledgeShe has lived 20 years and not found ANY time, to seek knowledge, why would I marry a woman, who does not know her rights, and responsibilities, and what will she teach my children, except how to be negligent, because the woman IS the madrasa (school) and the best of teachers. And a woman who has no time for Allah, will not have time for her husband. The third question I asked her was, that a lot of girls, more prettier than her, had approached me for marriage, why should I choose you?..That is why she stormed off, getting angry. The young man’s parents said that is a horrible thing to say, why would you do such a thing, we are going back there to apologise. The young man said I said this on purpose, to test whether she could control her anger. The Prophet (saw) said ‘do not get angry, do not get angry, do not get angry’ when asked how to become pious; because anger is from Satan. If a woman cannot control her anger with a stranger she has just met,do you think she will be able to control it with her husband??

So truuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeee people. .
Such an inspiring motivation to become a good wife for the future. insyaAllah.

This note is flexible. It can be applied for both ways. Woman seeking a man as well (:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tsk Tsk Tsk T_T

Serious tengah tension sangaaaaat3 ni ya Allah. .
Apa aku da buat agaknyaaa. .
Main godeeeh2 HTML code kat website CSG yg berbayar tuu sampai ter'LOCK'!
Dah taktau camne nak jadikan kembali pada asaaaal. .
The website has been LOCKED.
Takleh bukak cara normal. .
Search kat internet solution camne, tapi tak paham camne nak buat. Bahasa computer betuul

Nak nangeeessss seriouuusss. .
Semalam satu hari kerjakan blog tuu. Dah nak siap. Tinggal touch up2 je. Sekali kena LOCKED.
Just sebab buang footer :'((((

Masih tengah usaha untuk memahamkan solution yg perlu dibuat. .
ya Allah semoga semuanya dapat kembali pada asal.
Walaupun kena edit balek semua.
Takpela asalkan da boleh log in.
If not, really I have to be responsible with what had happened.
Website berbayar tuu eemm T__T

Hampir dua hari masa habis mengadap ni je. . .

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yes, I'm feeling so far from you

I know I'm far right now.
And I know this gonna be continuously happened from time to time.
This semester is the kick-start for everything.
When I have to live separately with you.
Even just a stone throw away from here. Just one room separated.
I really felt the distance.
At first I just accepted it because I believe that it will give benefits to others.
BUT as time goes by, I realized that unfortunately it gave harms to myself. .

Friend, you know what, I am now like a silence girl that can't express any of my feelings anymore.
And this happened because I don't have anybody to do like that since you've been far.
Lucky that you have a friend whom you can date with always :')
a friend that you can live everybody else whenever you see her :')
And I felt so touched and far away whenever I see that happened in front of my eyes. .

Forgive me for that I can't stand with all these anymore. .
Because of the distance that I felt. 
Because of myself that can't express anything anymore, my problem and etc.
Yes, I've turned to be a quiet girl already.
I hold the feeling myself.
I suffer with my life and problems myself.
And that gonna be okay insyaAllah.
Because I know I should rely on Him the most. .

I'm so sorry my dear friend for all my wrongdoings.
My feelings might be wrong.
Of course you have your own reasons for all that happening right? :)

Mcm sy penah cakap dgn sorang ni jugak.
Sy tgh mengalami masalah kesunyian.
Kawan sy da ada orang lain.
Sy da ta geti.
True that bukan dia sorang je kawan yg sy ada.
Tapi dia sorang je kawan yg btul2 boleh masuk dgn routine sy.
Dan bila sy hilang tuu, sy rasa tak boleh berdiri. .
Tapi sekarang insyaAllah saya tgh belajar :')

-Ttibe teringat ttg satu event ni-
I've been cancelled from having any 'adik2'
(Not being cancelled, actually we have to choose. But since the other person seems so difficult to drop the position and at the same time 'akak' has been waiting for the answer for so long, then I took the decision to drop mine)
No one know how sad I felt during that morning. .
But I know I have to strongly believe that there is always a hidden hikmah for everything. insyaAllah.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mentaliti Zaman Kini

this post is totally copied from here 
bacalah. tak rugi, serious bemanfaat. kalau boleh hadam, sesama kita hadam ;D
(credit kepada tuan punya blog. sangat comel post ni ^_^)

orang putih kata mindset.
tak pun paradigm = how we look at things.

mungkin nampak simple.
tetapi haruslah diingat...
bagai dosa kecik yg dibuat, lama-lama jadi besar bukit jua.

benda-benda remeh yg kadangnya terlepas pandang, 
efeknya mungkin besar, 
mungkin merebak. 
mungkin berjangkit.. bila parah... susah nak rawat. 
kata prevention is better than cure

mentaliti orang2 kita yg femes sekarang, 
ingin sekali aku dan mereka yg bersama-sama denganku tune mindset biar jadi betul...

1. ibadah itu hanyalah sembahyang fardhu, puasa, zakat, dan tunaikan haji.

"Dan (ingatlah) Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mereka menyembah dan beribadat kepadaKu." Az-Zariyat, 51:56.
ketahuilah kalian, ibadah itu adalah 24/7 hidup kita.
tidur itu ibadah.
kerja itu ibadah.
makan itu ibadah. 
belajar itu ibadah.
menutup aurat itu ibadah.
main fesbuk itu ibadah. ehh? 
kalau menggunakannya dengan cara yg betul.

ada rasa nampak view yg indah lagi luas?

yg penting berbalik kepada niat. niat betul, cara betul. semuanya baru jadi betul.

2. orang muda sekarang lebih suka berbincang tentang kapel/gf/bf/cinta berbanding masalah2 besar lain.
contoh senang dekat,  boleh tengok home facebook masing2.
link pasal apa yg suka/femes dikongsikan?

tak. aku tak kata sharing tuh salah. bagus sebenarnya kalau dah benda tu memang bagus.
serius tak tipu. 
cumanya, dari apa yg aku nampaklah kan...
people want to accept something rather than giving.
contohlah kan. si perempuan akan post pasal ciri-ciri lelaki yg osem untuk dibuat suami.
wallaaaah weh.. siapa yg tak mahu kalau dapat ciri2 yg dalam list?
tapi..tapi.. kenapa tidak diri sendiri yg berusaha menjadi perempuan solehah idaman jejaka semua?

tahukah anda, perempuan solehah di donia itu lebih dicemburui oleh bidadari sorga? *wink.wink.
barulah yg baik dapat yg baik...

sama jaaa... sebuaya-buaya lelaki pon mesti nak cari perempuan baik jadi isteri. 
heh. sungguh tidak gentleman lagi layak dibuat suami, *unless kalau dah bertaubat, dan berubah jadi osem. hohoi
sesungguhnya, manusia itu fitrahnya sukakan kebaikan, benda baik, 
apabila fitrah itu dilawan jadilah banyak benda buruk.

"Lu orang yang masih dalam dilema cinta manusia, kapel-clatch-kapel-clatch, awek curang, balak pasang lain, cinta tak kesampaian dan segala masalah dunia. Lu orang kena tahu, lu orang dah ketinggalan jauh. Orang sekarang ni dalam masalah agama, masalah akidah. Masalah macam mana mau cari jalan masuk syurga." credit resource

masalah sekarang masalah akidah... muslim hanya pada nama, tidak pada amalan dan perbuatan.
sebab apa punca semua ni? 

dan kita masih ada masa goyang kaki lepak tak peduli? -_-"
dan tak bermaksud aku di sini menolak langsung isu cinta.
tak. cumanya orang selalu salah guna, salah erti, salah cara... dan aku menolak apa-apa yg salah.
menerima apa yg betul.
oh, kejar cinta Ilahi itu tetap lebih utama sekalipun telah berumah dan bertangga. 
*tapi yg ini lah orang selalu abai...kan.

3.dakwah itu hanyalah yg berstatus ustaz/tabligh/ustazah.
yalah, mereka tuh kan orang berilmu. hanya orang berilmu yg layak memberi. 
habis tuh, nak tunggu cukup ilmu, tahun bilanya nak start memberi?
nabi pesan, "sampaikanlah dariku walaupun satu ayat,"
kalaulah seorang sampaikan kepada seorang, kemudian menjadi dua orang,
tiga, empat, puluh, ratus. bla3.. :D 
kan senang?
*tapi tak ramai yg sedar hal ini. sila menangis sekarang. T.T

4. orang muda tak layak bagi pandangan/nasihat kepada orang tua.
fuuh... kononnya orang yg lebih muda tak cukup pengalaman,
jadi kau duduk diam-diam, dengar.
orang tua lebih dahulu makan garam. mesti lagi tahu.
tapi... menolak mentah2 pendapat/idea orang lain tanpa difikirkan dahulu
mungkin boleh dikira agak sombong di situ.
sekalipun dia hanyalah seorang budak.
mana tahu apa yg dia suarakan itu betul.

sedangkan ketika surah Al-Nasr diturunkan (surah terakhir yg turun), 
Saiyidina Umar meminta Abdullah bin Abbas menafsirkan surah Al-Nasr. 
Abdullah bin Abbas, ketika itu masih lagi budak, kompem2lah jauh lagi muda dari para sahabat.
nak bandingkan dengan ilmu, apalah sangat budak ada kan?
tapi Allah turunkan hikmah pada seseorang itu tak dikira umurnya.
boleh jadi sesiapa sahaja.
semua para sahabat berasa gembira apabila surah ini turun. (boleh cek tafsir sebab apa)
tetapi hanya dengan satu tafsiran Abdullah bin Abbas, semua para sahabat menangis. 
katanya, surah ini menandakan tugas rasulullah s.a.w. telah berakhir dan akan wafat ...

5.buku 'aku terima nikahnya' hanyalah untuk orang yg nak kahwin/dah kahwin.
heeeh...... mananya don jaj a buk bai its kaver? 

kalau niat setakat melawak tuh, bolehlah terima.
ini siap buat muka terkejut, dan orang yg tak berkenaan tak layak baca lagi. *over*
oh, ini realiti namanya. 
jika wujudnya manusia2 begini di sekeliling anda,
feel free untuk guna tips saya,

sambil tersenyum paling ikhlas, tanyakan kembali kepada beliau.

'sudahkah anda membacanya, sehingga anda berkata begitu?'

haha. orang yg sudah baca kompem tak akan kata macam tuh.
bagai orang yg tak tengok movie, tapi semangat lebih nak review movie tu. mana boleeeh cek. -___-"
tak fair wa tak aci.

tahukah anda, saya mendapat satu lagi mentaliti orang kita dalam buku itu?

6. kita tak boleh tanya banyak soalan, sebab memang macam tuh.
contoh : kecik2 dulu, 
'kalau tanya kenapa tak boleh duduk atas bantal?'
nanti bisul.
'kenapa tak boleh tidur meniarap sambil angkat kaki?'
nanti mak mati.
bila makin banyak soalan, 
'eh,janganlah banyak tanya, cepuk kang baru tahu.'
dan membesarlah dengan mindset, 'tak boleh banyak tanya, tak boleh.'
padahal, dalam islam, sangatlah digalakkan untuk berfikir,
kebenaran islam itu dibuktikan dengan memandang alam dan berfikir,
 "Tidakkah kamu berakal untuk memikirkannya?" Al-Baqarah 2:76
selebihnya, belilah sendiri buku aku terima nikahnya ni dan baca.
aku baca pon sebab ada orang promote, dan housemate ada. bodoh namanya kan kalau tak baca?

yg aku suka, sebab cerita banyak pasal society, pasal ragam orang yg pelbagai, pasal thoughts, how to deal with problems, pasal family, pasal responsibilty. highly recommended for everybody
*perlu tak highlight everybody tuh? ahaaa..

baru sikit.. rasanya kalau nak list semua, boleh buat ensyklopedia kot.. ngeh.

p/s first step pon tak lepas lagi, macam mana nak dapat yg ke-7? -_-"

tangga maratib amal. 

bagaimana? bergaya bukan? (:
wake up people! lets wake up together! change this kind of mentality.
kita generasi yg mampu mengubah insyaAllah.
nak panjat tangga sampai tingkat ketujuh ni.  ayuh!

(erk buku aku terima nikahnya belum beli lagi ni.  Hehe okaay I'll read it sooooooon )

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nak Pengsan Sekejap boleeehh

Tak dinafikan semester kali ini jadualnya sangatlah lengang.
Boleh la nak kata yg waktu kelas tu agak sedikit.
Sebab credit hour pun tak menggila macam lepas yg da nak hampir 30 tuu.

Keadaannya pulak berbeza kali ini.
Kelas takde tapi kitorang yang menggila kena adakan meeting utk event2 yg perlu dilakukan.
Dan total event yg perlu kami buat, da campur tolak bahagi utk setiap subject plus event persatuan,
kesemuanya adalah 10 EVENT! aaaghhh
6 event da rancang dari persatuan, CSG.
2 event dari subject Leadership and Entrepreneurship.
1 event dari Malaysian Studies.
1 event (project cam drama) dari Basic Japanese.

Okaaayyy belum campur lagi 5 application essays and 3 Letter of Recommendation yg wajib utk dibuat!

Okay, bagi pengsan lama sikit boleeehh???

Weekends ni kena balek JB. . Susah camne pun hati ngn event ni, tak kan boleh lawan keadaan hati yg tak tenang disebabkan masalah diri dgn orang yg disayangi :(

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hajimemashite :DD


Maka hari ini bermulalah kelas Jepun yg 'ditunggu-tunggu' ituu.
Huhu memang kami diwajibkan untuk belajar satu foreign language utk ditransfer kan ke US insyaAllah harapnya diterima. Dan Uniten sebulat suara memilih untuk mengajar kami Bahasa Jepun! Fuhh.

Dan inilah dia tatabahasa yg kami belajar hari ini!

Coomeeeel. Rasa mcm jadi budak tadika balek kat class td.
Belajar a i u e o macam tulisan kt atas ni.

Oklaa nanti update lagi. Sangat penat hari ini. .
Singgah jap je kat blog.
Lepas ni da ada tambah lg satu blog utk diuruskaan. .
Allahuakbar semoga aku mampu dan dapat jalankan tugas dengan sehabis baik selepas ini aminn.

oyasuminasai! (selamat tidur :D)

btw tajuk kat atas tu pulak maksudnya salam perkenalan (:
habislah lepas ni satu sem asyik berjepun. kena hafaal. . exam. . hey utk ilmu jugak dila! @_@

#2 Books Corner

Millie Esposito of Croton-on-Hudson, New York, made it her business to listen carefully when one of her children wanted to speak with her. One evening she was sitting in the kitchen with her son, Robert, and after a brief discussion of something that was on his mind, Robert said: "Mom, I know that you love me very much."

Mrs. Esposito was touched and said: "Of course I love you very much. Did you doubt it?"

Robert responded: "No, but I really know that you love me because whenever I want to talk to you about something you stop whatever you are doing and listen to me."

*p/s: so sweeeet right :')

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Sunday, October 9, 2011

#1 Learning Corner


Junk food is a term applied to a certain food that are perceived to have little or no nutritional value. It contains ingredients that are considered unhealthy to be eaten regularly. Most of us take the common junk food like salted snack food, candy, sweet, carbonated beverages, fried fast food and etc as the daily meal without realizing it. How are we going to avoid this? What are the steps need to be taken? Somehow we are just consumed them without thinking much for the future health. Eat a lot of junk food can cause of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood fat and perhaps a cancer. Wow! So, for the next time, try to reduce the intake of this type of food in order to stay health. Don't forget to take a lot of fiber in your daily diet as well! Fiber will never disappoint you. I guarantee! :D
(Erk vegetables)

Taken from wikipedia (:

Nah another corner is built!    A corner based on a topic given by any person that I ask to  do so. I find it interesting! Hope can do this daily (:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weekend yg Hambar

1. The other two Rangers, I miss youuu both =_= You know what, my parents just text me like, 'we already at LCC. Flight kul 7.30 pagi. . And I was likee eegghh they are going to Langkawi. . Kalau tak, dah follow you gals. . Emmm. .

2. But then alhamdulillah, setiap yg berlaku ada hikmah. Yup, because my phone non-stop ringing this weekend. I have to settle about the 'jemputan' thingy.

3. But I'm quite struggling as well. Kena sakit perot guling2 weekend ni. . So tido awal, bangun pun tak bape nk awal. .

4. Something bad happened. I didn't mean anything to not telling you dear :'( 

5. Tunggu korang balikk. . Cepatlah. . Kita pun tiba2 ada dpt assignment mengejut ni.

Buku Serigala Jahat dan Besar :D

Yeaaaayyy. Truly baby, it was really awesome!
I had never seen books which the price are about RM50+ are being sold in a range of RM8-12. This is crazily insane!

I lost the chance to go to this book sale last year. Quite sad. I just asked for a friend to buy some books for me. But unluckily I didn't get what I wanted. That was because of miscommunication happened. I asked him to buy any story books for me that can improve my English. But then, he came to see me at class tomorrow with books like, vocabulary and grammar mistakes. I was like, eeerrkkk. ( I thought he was absolutely didn't hear the 'story books' part :D ) Hehe~ Never mind, at least I still got books from there what ;D
And btw, thanks a lot to you for the books, friend (:

So, for this year, I am really don't wanna miss it again!
And I finally made it. Yeaahh! ((:
I grabbed the opportunity when my brother asked me to go for a lunch.
So lets go to the book sale first, bro.
Then he just followed me.
Guess what, he was as well fascinated with all the books there. He could find his programming and software books for just about RM10 in which the real price is about RM100+. Fiiuuuuhhh. Awesomenesss.

We went there at 10am. So there were not so many crowd at that time. I must say the system there was so efficient. They provide buses for people from parking lot to the place of the book sale. So that people won't feel tired walking while traffic jam can be avoided (: Brilliant idea.

I bought about 10 books there. Teheeee~
Wanna buy more actually but I've put limit to myself, don't go over RM100. Hmm okaayy.
But still I'm kind of shopaholic bebeh. Can't deny that :D
Feeling like wanna go again with my dear Rangers when they come back.
Pleasee. . I wanna more I wanna more. .
Huhu that's my dream, to have at least a bookshelf full of my favorite books in my future house then. .

This big bad serigala only held once a year.
So guuuuuuyyys, go grab the books at a very lower price!
You still have a week for this sale.
For mor info, visit this site
Enjoyyy (:

I was a bit frustrated actually because there is no malay book and islamic book that I am looking for t0o. .
It's okay, nama pun big bad wolf ;D

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bosan 2

1. Seriously, waktu subuh adalah mukadimah yang paling comeeel dalam setiap hari2 kita. Bila ada masa tu subuh terjadi gajah, or terlajak jadi badak or tak sama mcm yg diharapkan, sumpah selalunya hari tu akan jadi hari yg bermasalah tahap cipan or depressed tahap masam punyaa. Penah tejadi dalam beberapa hari terdekat ni. Memang seriously hati langsung tak tenaang dan masalah terus datang bertimbun2 macam kena hempap dgn beras sepuluh kg :( Rasa yg Allah tgh tegur T_T

2. Berbulatan gembira sememangnya sangat indah. Namun di sini, tak semua orang paham untuk berbulatan gembira. Maka tidak seharusnya mengharapkan mana2 pihak melakukan kerja comelnya dengan smoothly. Tidak semua orang senang utk didekati, lagi2 yg namanya diambil macam tu jeee. Seriously, attitude dan pengurusan adalah dua benda utama yg sangat2 perlu di'take note' sebelum mengharapkan dapat lakukan sesuatu perkara dgn baik.

3. Polisi markah dalam kelas critical writing sem ini telah menyebabkan kami perlu menyediakan 5 jenis Application Essays dan juga 3 bijik Letter of Recommendation sebelum bulan 12. Dan ini sangat awesomee. Akhirnya kami tak dapat mengelak jugak. Dan universiti yg sudah dipilih bersama juga perlu ditukar rasanya. Rugi pulak bila da buat Essays n LOR tapi tak try send kat universiti2 yg memerlukan semua tuu. Fuuuuhhh. Tarik nafas dalam2. Kena rombak balik ni. .

4. Belajarlah untuk memahami keadaan orang lain. Tak semua orang boleh bergerak laju. Asalkan dia masih boleh berjalan, even merangkak or mengengsot, mereka masih boleh tetap bergerak. Lebih baik daripada mereka berhenti dan patah balik. Bersyukurlah sepatutnya. Kalau nak tolong, tolonglah dengan memberikan semangat yg kiuut, dan bukan dengan cara memaksa untuk mereka bangun dan berlari. Tak semua orang boleh lari dengan power. Kesian yg kalau ada kaki injured tu semua. Berilah mereka masa, berikan mereka semangat, dan cadangkan cara utk overcome, yg penting bukan dengan memaksa (:

Oklaa sampai sini jee duluuuuu. Nak siap2 g IKEA. Yeaaaayyy. Daaa Assalamualaikum~