Saturday, February 18, 2012

Smiling Outside ^^

My dear friend, seriously I'm proudly happy to see that you can smile again. 
I'm waiting for the good news.
*Gatal2 tangan nak dapat walimah ni*
I will be more than happy to hear that :')

Salute la kalau dapat buat before fly.
One in Malaysia while another one in United States.
Tapi hopefully duduk bilik sorang2 lah.
Takut tak tahan duduk sebilik ngan mmbr bergelar puan.
Rasa melonjak2 nak yg sama gak nanti. Haha joke2.
Tapi ye gak, bila pikir balek, errkkk. 

Walaupun didi mungkin jauh lagi na mcm tu. .
Ntala. .


You're her last, MAMN.


IniFaezahShari said...

perhhh, bapak ah ayattt.....
MAMN.. aceehhh..
mcm wa xtaw jep an..
xdew ayat yg power ag kep..
ngee.. ;p

sindaDila said...

pe pe pe :PP