Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tipulah Kalau Tak terusik.

Tadi bukak facebook, ttibe nampak kat newsfeed ada orang share gambar nih.

awww seriously they are so sweeet :')
Farah Lee is currently one of the people that I adore in making changes.

One of my friends once said, "dia ni seriously a good idol for normal people. dia boleh blend dgn sesape je. dia tak kira kawan camne. tp dalam masa yg sama dia senanye sorg muslimah yg awesome"
Tengoklah blog dia

terbaca pasal satu entry dia. macam mana dia berubah sampai sekarang. perubahan bukan sesuatu yg senang untuk dilakukan. you fight to hold on and you fight to let go. sometimes akan rasa jeles dengan member2 yang enjoy their life as what we've used to be like before (oh we shouldn't feel this way)  tapi "tipulah kalau kita tak terusik". yah true. bila tengok member kita pakai something yg kita sangat suka tapi da tak boleh nak pakai camtu da because it looks attractive that way. (pujuk hati. takpela, nanti nak pakai depan suami je cetu or hey, fashion bukan tu je yg ada. boleh je nak pakai. ubah sikit, asalkan still ikut penutupan aurat yg ditetapkan dalam islam. islam mudah la sayang :') 

kadang2 ada terdetik rasa menyesal. Kenapa berubah ke arah ni? Allah. .
Instead dears, we should thank God. He chose us. Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Him. He chose us :')
Teruskan dalam perubahan ni ye. Because :

You look more sweet and attractive in your own way now ^^
from everyone who looks at your changes phase :)


mirfamirah said...

love this short post. love you Kak Dila :)

sindaDila said...

love you too dear :))